Who We Are

About Our Columbus Squadron

  • The USNSCC -Columbus Division was formed on 12 July 1963 with William Rolf as its first Commanding Officer.
  • The unit celebrated its 25-years of Commissioning on 12 July 1988.
  • On 01 March 2011, the unit name was changed to the Columbus Squadron.
  • The unit celebrated its 50-years of Commissioning on 12 July 2013.

Columbus Squadron welcomes any young person who want to learn about our military, are ambitious, self-disciplined, physically motivated, and have strong academic performance. Cadets must meet all eligibility requirements including application, parent/cadet interview, medical screening, and payment of required fees to the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps (USNSCC).

Our unit is heavily cadet-run.  That means that as you advance in rank, we’ll put you in the same leadership roles that a Navy sailor would be in.  You’ll be responsible for running large parts of the unit’s operation, and will be (maybe for the first time in your life) supervising junior cadets.  Because our unit is run just like a Navy ship or reserve unit, you’ll be receiving training that only much older sailors would get. Both senior cadets and officers in the unit will mentor you as you progress in rank and develop your leadership skills.

Cadets also have the opportunity to participate in special advanced trainings and boot camps around the country during the summer months and winter holidays. Monthly drills are held one weekend a month (Saturday & Sunday) from 0800-1430. These are mandatory unless excused and not below the 75% minimum attendance requirement for the year.